Saturday, November 21, 2015

What to Get for Your Landscaping Lights (part 2 of 2)

For increased security against intruders at home, you can get or fix an up-lighting light. Find a low voltage outdoor light and light up paths and drives in your residence. You can also place one or two on the pool side or other entry areas so as to provide a booming light that will eventually discourage entry of unnecessary persons. Down-lighting is also another good way of lighting up your landscaped residence.

This is also called as moonlighting and is n use for safety, security and aesthetics purposes by most landscape designers. Backlighting, or silhouette lighting, is another. This gives that "special effect" I a landscaped area at night or when the occasions calls for it.

When the right landscape lightings are used at the most proper place and location of landscaped surroundings, it will provide accent that will better the overall appearance of the residence, institution, or anywhere it will be used on. Since it is a very important equipment and material in the task, it is recommended that a designer or contractor be very specific in finding the right piece or pieces. For economic and elegant lighting fixtures, high intensity discharge auto lights are recommended rather than the incandescent or halogen.

The color and shape of the lighting fixture must also be considered because it will definitely have an effect on the result. If you are maintaining a weathered, old world look on your landscape then a little toned down light will help achieve that overall impact you want. If you want something contemporary, then you might as well opt for something modernly shaped and colored, too.

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